Took a fantastic trip up to Knebworth House, where they had a jousting exhibition. If I’m honest, the display we saw at Warwick Castle a few years back was probably better, but that was a permanent set-up I believe.
Disneyland Paris
We had a wonderful time at Disneyland Paris. As expected Darcey loved ‘It’s a small world’ and Scarlett loved the Aerosmith rollercoaster.
The only downside was the sheer quantity of French people prepared to elbow, shove and knock you to gain a place in the queue – even resorting to sending their kids ahead then looking surprised when you don’t let them through to join them. Anyway, here’s my fave shot of MM from the trip.
Scarlett & Darcey
There is noone on this planet cooler than Scarlett & Darcey at this precise moment in time.
Mum & Dad on the Wii
Love this shot of Mum and Dad playing SuperMario Kart on the Wii.
Kids eh ?
I can’t remember if anyone else got a turn that day.
They’ve just started knocking down a building near my office. Shot this for a competition with a theme of ‘Chaos’
I have a new newphew. Malachy Heneghan is here and doing well.
Spark plug
Shot for a specific contest with the theme of ‘Electric’. Although it didn’t do so well in the contest, I was pleased with the end result.
If you’re wondered how it was done – a friend had installed some mad device in his exhaust to make foot long flames shoot out of it. It’s sparked by some electronic device attached to a spark plug. He removed it and we clamped it so it kept still, then hit the ignition which makes it spark repeatedly.
Braunston Church
Shot at around 9.30pm in Braunston, Northamptonshire. There was quite a few to choose from, including lighter ones (with longer exposure) which showed the detail of the foreground. However, this one just looked more striking.
I shot a number of shots for a client a few weeks ago, but this was really the pick of the bunch (shown with his kind permission). Luke was fantastic to work with, following any instructions and even offering ideas of his own.
Really pleased with this one.
I really wanted to enter a contest on Worth with a theme of Reflections, but struggled for a few days to come up with any decent concept. In the end, I literally stepped over it – I remembered I had a mirror in the shed and went to take a look and see what sort of condition it was in. As I brought it out to polish it, I caught sight of the snail by the door and knew he was perfect for the shot.
Hoped to have him appear as if almost floating in the reflected sky.